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About MÉZ

Top Indian Seafood Dining in Spinola Bay, St Julians, Malta Nestled in the picturesque Spinola Bay of St Julians, Malta, MÉZ takes its rightful place as the top Indian seafood restaurant and bar in the region. It’s more than just a restaurant; it’s an exploration of the world of Indian Coastal Cuisine, shaped by the influences of the Indian Ocean. Begin your journey with an ancient mariners’ map of the Indian Ocean, a tapestry of spices, flavours, and cultural exchanges that have defined our cuisine. MÉZ invites you to uncover the mysteries, embrace adventure, and discover the rich history that flavours each of our dishes. MÉZ is celebrated as the top Indian seafood restaurant and bar in Spinola Bay, St Julians, a haven for seafood connoisseurs. Our menu is a treasure trove of offerings, sourced from the vibrant shores of Indonesia and Malaysia to the alluring landscapes of Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Kenya, and Mauritius, with India at its very heart. Each dish is a culinary masterpiece that showcases the flavours of the region.

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